Monday, June 04, 2007


Solutions a myriad she can find
but none for her the complications
that shroud her own mind

refusing to let her think
refusing to let her breathe

why does she let her self be
consumed by the thoughts that fill her?
her senses asphyxiate her...

4 smoke wisps:

Shamanth Huddar said...

lovely @

"Solutions a myriad she can find
but none for her the complications that shroud her own mind"

Meghana Naidu said...

The theme of my life, these words are. written in bright red!!

Shamanth Huddar said...

theme of your life, eh?
May I say a few words then-

Complications, you say,
Shroud your mind,
The solutions to which,
You cannot find.

Had I the answers,
Shout them I would,
Tearing the shroud,
As loud as I could.

Wouldn't you rather,
Listen to your voice within,
For it is but your mind,
So is it not the loudest for you?


Meghana Naidu said...

@shamanth : Thank you.
Those words are beautiful. the echoed sentiments are truly appreciated.

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You whisper your name... but i can't hear it.