Thursday, December 10, 2009


[I once said]
  • "we deserve peace"

  • "when calm is elusive, the nature of the storm is of no concern. for all storms ravage the same."

  • "I am not getting out of the house today."

  • "does thou posses, any balm for my frayed nerves?"

  • "i painted my toe nails."

  • "wierd=normal right?"

  • "meow meow"

  • "i made mixed vegetables, suuuuuuuuuper hit"

  • "and to those with a bus to catch, everything is a waste of time..."
    "a bus... not a choo choo train"

  • "all is doom
    doom is all"

  • "so tell me.. if you can,
    what colours the sea?
    and what,
    gives flight to hidden stars?"

  • "the time has passed,for frivolous niceties and sky gazing.
    for now i have to preen myself and take a bus.
    and you know what they say about people who have to catch a bus, dont you?"

[The Song]

[21 to go]

4 smoke wisps:

PULKIT said...

awesome read.. !!

अनिल कान्त said...

wow !
अच्छा लगा पढ़कर. आपका ब्लॉग बहुत अच्छा है.

मेरी कलम - मेरी अभिव्यक्ति

Quicksilver said...

vivid, pretty and oh im so bad at articulating my thoughts most times. otherwise i would go on about this piece :)

Julietdiadem said...

Such a clever, clever poppy you are.

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You whisper your name... but i can't hear it.