Friday, January 02, 2009

One day I will

One day I will tell you
what the song meant.
sing it to you
and ask
if you remember
the words
to sing with me.

One day i will tell you
what i was thinking
when i said
it was nothing
and ask
if you realised then
that it was not
meant to be said
but understood.

One day i will tell you
what the look meant
and why
it stayed with me
and ask
if you would look
at me
that way again.

One day i will tell you
how i took
those hours of silence
and ask
if you could do the same
and survive

One day i will tell you
what words cannot
and will never tell
and yet i will
find a way to
tell you
one day i will

7 smoke wisps:

Merin Mandanna said...

You are so good at this!!

zephyr said...

this was way too brilliant.. :)

nanda said...

niiice, seems like it was written for someone??

GodModeONE said...

Good stuff, but you really should change the colour schemes of your page..

Akshatha Hegde said...

Dark. Excellent.
Won't you write again?

Meghana Naidu said...

Thanks a lot you guys. Merin, Zephyr, Nandy :)

@madhav: thank you :) but is the colour scheme difficult to read?

@akshata: thanks again :) i want to but for now.. just some more ramblings ;)

Insulation Contractors Richmond said...

Hi, great reading your blog

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You whisper your name... but i can't hear it.